American Legion Rules


Four Year Letterman
Jul 10, 2009
I've heard these rules below will go to vote.

1. Expand rosters to 20

2. Allow dual participation up until the state tournment.

3. Re entry for seniors

4 Courtesy runner
Cohaze when are they going to rule on these?

1. I do not think they should allow re entry or courtesy runners

2. I think everyone should use the same baseballs. Some teams use cheap crap balls

3. Increasing rosters to 20 kids helps a lot. With vacations and jobs during summer you can never have enough players.

4. The only promblem I see with increasing the enrollment to 6,000 is items that are land locked by other leguon teams around them

5. There is no way they will be able to keep track if kids "attend" 25% of games. Coaches will just put kids name on lineup cards.

6. Finally American legion is getting this right. Let players dual participate up to the state Tournment. When it comes to the state Tournment weekend either you play in the legion Tournment or travel. Can't be at 2 places at once. If they don't chamg any rule I hope they change this one
According to my league director these changes will be going into effect for senior legion this year.

1. Dual Participation up until the state tournment.
2. Re entry rule
3. Courtesy runner
4. 20 players.
If I read the new rule correctly, dual participation will be allowed in the first and second rounds of the playoffs. Is South Carolina adopting any specific state rules?
My guess would be that they will but that does not mean that all legion teams(coaches) will allow this imo. Where I think that the ALB missed to boat was on expanding the rosters for one. Also whether you agree or not I for one think that the courtesy runner and re-entry would have been good as it would allow a coach to get some kids in a game that otherwise would not get in. Something is better than nothing. Look at the new pitching rule, from the time the ball is back in the pitchers hand he has 12 seconds to make a pitch to home. Now that rule will be interesting to see just how the umpires handle that plus the batter has to keep one foot in the batters box with a few exceptions. While I think that legion is trying to make some proactive changes they seem to take a wait and see attitude.
I would bet the farm that SC ALB (like National) will not do anything that will really help anybody. The single biggest problem with Legion right now is too few pitchers to handle all of the 9 inning games. Expanding rosters and shortening games would help. They are not going to shorten games because 9 innings are "traditional," or "real baseball" as some of them like to say. Why they won't at least expand rosters is beyond me.

My kid was a pitcher. He played 4 years of Legion, had a decent college career, and played a couple years of minor league ball. I love Legion, but if he was coming through right now I seriously doubt that I would let him play Legion.
I agree with you, most legion teams do not have enough pitchers to handle 9 inning games. Also from what I have seen that the pitchers when not pitching are playing another position. Tradition at one time was good when legion was the only game in town but that is not the case anymore as we all know. All of the pitchers in high school pitch 7 innings. But we both know that legion is not going to change. The one new rule is the 12 second rule for a pitcher to make his delivery to the plate. This is noted in the national rule book as a way to speed up the game. Therefore why would not use a courtesy runner for the catcher and pitcher if you really want to speed up the game. Now in some cases the pitchers do not bat, but more often than not they do. I think the whole problem with legion is that they simply do not know what they want to do. What I see is they do not want to change and not is not good. This must I do believe if they do not get the heads out of the sand, legion will become a past time worst than it is now. Guess we all have to remember the key word is "TRADITION".
For my team we do not even waste our time recruiting underclassmen. If they come out to tryouts it's just a huge boost for us. Legion is now all about high school seniors and having college freshman come back. I have just required all our college freshman to have to be on the school team, a club team, or local adult team. Worst thing you want is a player coming back with the freshman 15.